is simply a social bookmarking site. Frankly, I think the site is superior to some other bookmarking sites because it’s just easier to, well, socialize. There are quick links to thank people for their links, you can easily create groups and make new friends. And more.

I’m guilty of under utilizing the site myself. I opened my account over a year ago and I have a paltry 190-something links to show. Sad. I know, but that was because before this past week, I didn’t see all the fun things you can do with it.

update: I now have around 1400 because I did an import.

I was going to create a much more extensive write up on ma.gnolia, but I see that Alex Jones (featured linker at ma.gnolia) is already doing something about one of the coolest features: creating and growing your own groups. So, I’ll let him do the explainin’.

There is one thing I want to specifically point out though because I’m not sure when Alex will get to it: Roots. Roots is a snazzy little bookmarklet that allows you to see who has bookmarked a site. Another excellent way to find people of similar interests.

Seriously, though. Do check out ma.gnolia and explore all the possible ways to connect with folks of similar interests. No worries if you already use one of the other social bookmarking sites or have your own local bookmarks, ma.gnolia has a great importing feature.

If you have any questions I’d be happy to help out too. You can go to my ma.gnolia page and kick an email out to me.

Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • Todd Sieling says:

    Wow Chris – thanks for the kind words! Don’t get down on yourself for the number of bookmarks – it’s all about quality, and a person with 50 interesting bookmarks is a better one to follow than one with 500 dull ones.

    We’re really proud of the fact that we have smart and friendly members who are willing to help others out, like yourself, Alex and Sean. It helps us out, of course, but we really enjoy seeing the good will out there.

  • Alex says:

    Thanks for the mention Chris! Obviously I love Ma.gnolia, so I’m psyched that others find my posts to be useful.

    In all honesty I haven’t spent much time with Roots, so I would love to see a write-up on it.


  • Hey Alex, thanks for stoppin’ in. Roots is simple. I think it’s hard to find on ma.gnolia, though. Maybe not too many people use it. Maybe I’ll type up a little something… three posts on ma.gnolia in row, though… okay. i’m a fanboi. :-P

  • I love Roots. In fact, I don‚Äôt think that I‚Äôd use ma.gnolia with out it. My second favorite feature is the groups ‚Äî I just grab a feed from each of my groups and keep up on what is important to me.

  • Hey Ben- You should definitely check out Alex’s article then. It’s fun to get to see what others are bookmarking, but it’s also really cool to join in and contribute. Start your own groups. If you’re not doing that already, you’ll be surprised at the friends you can meet.

  • Thejesh GN says:

    One more plus point is ma.gnolia has OpenId support.
    I am adding you as friend there.

  • Good point, Thejesh. OpenID is supported by ma.gnolia. I’ve just recently hopped on the OpenID bandwagon and giving it a whirl. I set up my first account somewhere I trust…., but frankly, I’m a little confused why it’s a good thing. I’ve seen some videos, but still…. I’m guessing it’s good because all the smart people say it is.

  • Hey Todd- Akismet accidentally put your comments into moderation. Weird.

    Yeah, you make a good point: it is better to have quality over quantity. Thanks for the reminder.